

Friday, June 28, 2013

Jenny-Kale Yeah!

So the Katy adventure is continuing. I was grumpy about it the first week, resistant to change. I almost cried when I saw the closest gym because I hate it there.  It's hot, the machines are older, and I just wanted to complain.  I think the culmunation of a lot of changes all at once was just getting to me.  I always thought I was pretty good with change. But I'm realizing that's just not true! I'm stubborn as hell and I plan.  I should just accept these facts and work within them!  I'm over being grumpy now over the move.  But I don't like the "new kid" stares at the gym.  Why do people stare? I wish people would just talk and ask me questions. I can't focus on the negatives so I'm choosing to see the positive in our move. Like my gym has a juice bar! A juice bar!! I'm telling you people it's not that hard to make me happy! The whole foods is really close to where we live and I laughed my butt off seeing this last night...
Kale Yeah anyone???

Busy starting our 3rd week week here I'm excited at what this city has to offer. I'm learning my way around town and figuring out that this city is much more focused on health. I'm also trying to adjust to all the changes this new city forces me to make and old habits to break. It's very hard to move further away from my friends. I've always thought of myself as a person that handles change well.  But I don't. I'm a planner. I like to see my plans through until the end.  It's just something I need to accept about myself and use it to my advantage.  But I'm trying really hard to accept what this move is going to do for our family.  SO many positive changes for us! Being resilent is one of the most important things I can teach my children.  But I have to teach them by example.

I've spent a lot of time this year having surgery. It's time for me to rebuild my body and make myself the best me I can be.  I could list all the stuff I can't do with a pacemaker but what would be the use in that? I choose to focus on what I can do and working within those "limits" so I can stay healthy.  I run really slow.  But I'm freaking running. Something I haven't been able to do in a long time. I'm convincing a bunch of my friends to run too.  So we can all celebrate together. It's a good time in our lives and I want to be that role model for my children.  I want them to grow up knowing that working out, and eating right is a part of life. 

I've been focusing on eating extremely clean and I'm seeing fantastic results.  I read Kelsey Byers new book about Eating Clean called Eat Clean and Follow Your Dreams .  My overall review of the book is it's a quick read, and it's a great jumpstart for people who aren't familiar with eating this way. Experts say your results are 80% diet and 20% working out.  So I'm shifting the balance of things. I'm focusing on eating very good foods, focusing on putting certain nutrients in my body and detoxing from sugar.  I still eat one small piece of dark chocolate a day. But I'm not on a diet.  This is the way I need (and want) to eat the rest of my life. People write me all the time about how to start eating clean.  So if you are interested check out this book.  Incorporate some small changes at first then work your way up, or go cold turkey, whatever works best for you.  Work with your strengths to overcome your weaknesses.

I got mad this week seeing a so called "health expert" suggest that people should eat junk then just work out more.  That's such a load of crap. Of course I love good food, I'm from New Orleans! But do I think we should just cram our bodies full of junk? No! It's not just about weight, it's about feeding your body nutritious food to reduce inflammation and reduce plaque in your arteries. I improved my running time by 2 minutes in just a week because I was fueling my body correctly.

We all have to start somewhere.  So make the decision today that you are worth it, your family is worth it, eat to live.  I had to cut down on all our material possessions movings from a large house to an apartment. I thought I'd miss all "my stuff" but I don't, at all.  I'm realizing I didn't need all that stuff anyway. The same way I don't need junk food in my life. I don't need it in my home. Scale down your life and make things simple.  We're all too complicated these days.  So start small.  Focus on your health, your family, your emotional wellness, and being a joyful person.  With every negative find the positive. Fight to see the light at the end of tunnel. So Kale yeah, I'm on board. Are you?


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